Hello Tari Labs University
Welcome to our second post on the Tari blog. In this post, we will share more about our plans for “Tari Labs University.”
What is Tari Labs University and why should it exist?
Tari Labs University is an open source, curated set of materials developed by the Tari Community to help facilitate knowledge transfer and education.
Blockchains are generally complex because architecting a well designed system requires meaningful expertise in cryptography, computer science, economics, game theory, psychology, business, legal, marketing, politics and more.
Tari Labs University is highly collaborative and is free to use. We don’t claim to know everything and never will. It is impossible to. However, this doesn’t mean we cannot collaborate with the Tari Community to improve as an ecosystem, and grow our collective expertise and knowledge base in all of these areas and more over time.
To share more about this exciting development, here’s a note from our resident Tari Labs University Vice-Chancellor, Kevoulee Sardar:
Hello Tari Community!
When Cayle had initially spoken to us in the Tari Labs Research Group about presenting our research topics to anyone interested at Tari Labs as a way for everyone to skill up or as a quick refresher- I admit I was daunted. I wasn’t sure if I would be imparting knowledge on cool, innovative concepts and ideas or putting everyone to sleep. Plus, my experience of collaborative open source tools, such as Github was very limited, and talking in front of many people is not my favourite pastime.
But I soon realised that this learning platform- that would make up a database of knowledge for us in the Tari space— wasn’t a space for passing judgment; it was a place to learn, understand new technologies, grow ideas and stimulate discussion about the disciplines that make up the evolving blockchain technology. After a few weeks of presenting and listening in, I am still a bit nervy, but that has been outweighed by how much I have learnt: non-fungible tokens, the MimbleWimble protocol, layer 2 scaling solutions and more.
This concept was further galvanized during a visit to our office in South Africa from Naveen— and that’s when Tari Labs University took to life— as learning medium not just for us, but for you as well.
Sure, there is a lot of good blockchain related content available, but very little takes into account the knowledge level of the audience. We want to make the content relatable— accessible to anyone, starting at a beginner level, extending down a path of deeper complexity.
So with the creation of this transparent platform, we would like this collection of educational presentations/reports and soon-to-be videos, to be a collaborative affair. Our presentations may not be perfect the first time around, so if you see an error or issue, let us know or make a pull request to fix.
Also, even though this platform is called Tari Labs University and will have input from me and many other internal contributors and external experts, hearing from you would be great. Let me know if you have a topic you would like discussed or if there certain skill level or audience that you would like a presentation to be delivered to— anything that you feel will benefit us all as this growing community.
In the words of Yoda, “Always pass on what you have learned”.
Happy Learning, Kevoulee
What’s next?
You can see what we’ve been up to on the Tari Labs University Github Page, including all the work that has been presented so far and what’s coming up on the calendar.
So far we’ve posted some interesting presentations on Non-fungible tokens, MimbleWimble and Crypto101- be sure to check them out.
If you see something that is incorrect, can be explained better, or should be added, please don’t hesitate to contribute. The Tari Labs team is excited to collaborate with the Tari Community to make Tari Labs University the #1 blockchain resource on the planet. Stay tuned for more updates on Tari Labs University in future.
Join Us
If you are passionate about digital assets, cryptocurrencies, and building new things, please check out our open internal contributor roles. We’d love your help making Tari a reality. Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey so far.